What is your real name? Barry 
What is your e-mail address? 
What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? 

What is your wrestler name? Tru Hart 

Please, provide me with a link, where I can find a picture of your wrestler. 

How much does your wrestler weight? 225 lbs 

How tall is your wrestler?  6ft 1in 

What is your wrestlers' theme song? Purple Haze 

Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? Lenny Kravitz & Ozzy 

What style is your wrestler? submission expert 

Can you give me a list of 10 - 20 moves that your wrestler uses most often!  One per line 
1. X-plex 
2. Tru Magic - kick to groin (just like Golddust) 
3. Russian Leg Sweep (general used to setup finsher) 
4. Niagar Falls(reversed DDT) 
5. Double clothesline 
6. ST3 (sleeper and teaxas clover leaf combo resulting in a tap out, submitting, or disqualication.  Sometime all 3 that's why it called ST3) 
7.  Canadian Grapevine - modifed arm bar, and step over toe hold into a Grape Vine.  Complex, rarely used but affective) 
8. General Submisson Technique 

   Trademark: Russian Leg Sweep 

   Finisher : SharpShooter 

Please give us a very detailed description of your wrestler : First he is made up.  Son of Stu Hart, brother of Brett and the late Owen Hart.  Tru was born like his
brothers, born to wrestle.  Trained in the basement, with Chris Benoit, and other famous Candian wreslter.  Tru Managed to become a ameatur wreslteing champ at a young age, that he retire to turn pro.  He's cocky, young, and very skilled inthe ring.