What is your real name? 
Seamus Manley

What is your e-mail address?

What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? 
uh, don't know.  I am on msn messenger as

Are you in e-fedding to win belts? 
Winning belts are a plus, and I do want them.

Are you in e-fedding for fun or for winning? 
Fun mostly, but the more fun I have the more I seem to RP and win.

Are you competitive? 
in efeds I am competitive about havening better stories and RPs, but I do want to beat my opponent as much as I can, yes.

Are you ready to Roleplay ever week, several times a week? 
Yes, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day.

Do you like the page design? 
It seems good.

Who is your favorite wrestler? 
in real life?  Triple H/Edge now, HBK bakc in the day. What title division do you think you should be in? [World, U.S., Canada, T.V., Supreme]: World

What has been your best match idea, and what ideas do you like?  Please describe them. 
I had a triple cage match before WCW did. 

What is your wrestler name? 
"Sugar High" Shawn Shock.

How much does your wrestler weight? 
275 lbs.

How tall is your wrestler? 
6 foot 6

What is your wrestlers' theme song? 
"Points Of Authority" 

Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? 
Linkin Park

What is your wrestlers' allignment? 
heel.  He rips on people, and is pretty harsh.

What style is your wrestler? 

Can you give me a list of 10 - 20 moves that your wrestler uses most often!  One per line 
boston crab
crippler crossface
figure four
pile driver
fisherman suplex
tiger driver
razor's edge power bomb
flying DDT

Super Kick

Trademark Definition 
Uh, remember Shawn Michaels?

Sugar Shock

Finisher Definition 
A hard Van Terminator

Please give us a very detailed description of your wrestler 
Sugar High is blonde, and very good looking.  He is also the most arrogant man on the face of the earth. He is also full of athleteic ability.  He won allstate
honars in foot ball and basketball in California.  He joined wrestling two years ago, and became a tag-team champ everywhere he went.  But the critics got to him.
 The fans loved him, but everyvbody said that he couldn't make it on his own.  So he turned on Preston P.  He then became EGW champion of the world.  Now he
is more arrogant than ever.  He knows he has what it takes, and he will align himself with whomever he needs to in order to make it.  He also has a weakness
for women.  When he became a wrestler, he was famous right away, and he was besieged with women and he indulged.  Now he is almost an addict.  He loves women and vice versa.  He claims he will be the best, and he defies anyone to PROVE HIM WRONG.

Does your wrestler have a manager/valet? If so, what is his/her name? 
not yet, but he is always looking for a new woman.

Please give me an entrance introduction: Ladies and Gentlemen, standing at six foot six and weighing in at two hundred and seventy five pounds.  He hail from
Santa Monica California, and claim to be the resident sugar daddy of the Supremacy Unfolded.  He is "Sugar High" Shawn Shock

Please give me another entrance introduction: Heading to the ring from Santa Monica, California, he is the man who claims to be the future world champion. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, "Sugar High" Shawn Shock.