What is your real name? Tom

What is your e-mail address?

What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? aim

What is your wrestler name? Madd Dogg

How much does your wrestler weight? 273 lbs.

How tall is your wrestler? 6'4"

What is your wrestlers' theme song? Boom

Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? P.O.D.

What is your wrestlers' allignment? heel

What style is your wrestler? Hardcore/Power

Can you give me a list of 10 - 20 moves that your wrestler uses most often!
1.)  Inverted vertical suplex
2.)  Belly to back suplex
3.)  Powerbomb
4.)  Delayed vertical suplex
5.)  DDT
6.)  Facebuster
7.)  Automic Leg Drop from top rope
8.)  Eye scrape
9.)  Low blow
10.)  Belly to belly overhead suplex
11.)  Figure-4 Leg lock
12.)  Superplex from top rope
13.)  Fall away slam
14.)  Sidewalk slam
15.)  Outsiders Edge
16.)  Piledriver
17.)  Abdominal Stretch

Trademark - Doggy Dreamer

Trademark Definition - Tazzmission

Finisher - 1.)  Doggy Splash  2.)  Doggy Driver

Finisher Definition 1.)  5-star frog splash  2.)  Inverted DVD

Please give us a very detailed description of your wrestler - Short brown hair with blonde highlights.  Sideburns to the bottom of his earlobes.  Has 
a flavor savor and no other facial hair.  Baby blue eyes.  He is built a lot like Buff Bagwell as far as muscle tone.  Wrestling gear is pair of black 
shorts, and a wife beater.  Usually takes off wife beater sometime during the match.  Is without a doubt a ladies man, but has the don't give a shit 

What is your wrestlers history. - Madd Dogg made his start in wrestling in the WWWF.  He wrestled there for 5 months before leaving to pursue his career further.  He then joined the PCW where he fueded with a man who would turn out being one of his greatest allies.  After taking home the PCW title he worked so hard for was forced out of the PCW by the owner.  Madd Dogg then headed back to WWWF for a little while where he met his soon to be life long friend and current wrestling ally HoMiCyDe.  Madd Dogg and HoMiCyDe have been together in many feds since the WWWF, unfortunately none have been opened long enough to really make much of a difference in either one's career.  HoMiCyDe then brought Madd Dogg into this fed looking to finally get there careers as a team finally started.  Throughout his career, Madd Dogg has won a total of 7 World Titles, and and many other smaller titles.

Please give me an entrance introduction: *Lights in the arena go black.  Suddenly as red and gold pyros shoot out the entrance ramp "Boom" by P.O.D. 

"BOOM!  Here comes the BOOM!   Ready or not, Here come the boys from the south!  BOOM!  Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, HAHA how you like me now?"

Then Madd Dogg appears from the back and slowly makes his way to the ring.*