What is your real name? Jarrod Hoplin

   What is your e-mail address?

   What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? Always on MSN

   What is your wrestler name? Hardcore Hoplin

   How much does your wrestler weight? 254

How tall is your wrestler? 6'3

   What is your wrestlers' theme song? "Move Bit*h"

   Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? Ludacris

   What is your wrestlers' allignment? Wrestlers hate him, but the fans will cheer him

   What style is your wrestler? Technical Hardcore if there is such a thing. He is very Technical like Bret Hart, but can get crazy like Jeff Hardy

   Finisher "The Hardcore Cutter"

   Finisher Definition Diamond Cutter, but he rips down the head in a more violent fashion. Can hit it from anywhere, like doing it through a table

   Finisher #2 The Widowmaker

   Definition Opponent lies face down on the mat, Hoplin hook the legs like Regal does for the Regal Strech. Then, he hooks both arms into a double 
chicken wing and applies pressure on the legs and pulls up on the arms. This is a move i made up and it hurts like hell ;)

   Please give us a very detailed description of your wrestler Think Smaller Ken Shamrock

   Please give me an entrance introduction: lights go off as the music starts to play. once the first choruse line is done, blue strobe lights start flashing and Hoplin walks down the ramp wearing a nice silk robe with his head down. Once he steps foot into the ring, the lights go up. Hoplin takes off his robe, climbs up to the top turnbuckle and sits down to wait for his opponent.