What is your real name? ~ Billy Reeseman(Chill is my nickname) 
 What is your e-mail address? ~
 What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? ~ I have yahoo messanger but im not always on it. Yahoo Screen Name - Sk8erman1010 but im always(almost) on AOL. Which my screen name is XCWFOWNER2002 (from my old fed)

What is your wrestler name? ~ Chill

Please, provide me with a link, where I can find a picture of your wrestler.

How much does your wrestler weight? ~ 254
How tall is your wrestler? ~6'4" 
What is your wrestlers' theme song?Lights,Camera,Action 
Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? Mr. Cheeks
What is your wrestlers' allignment? ~ Heel, but sometimes fans likes him.
What style is your wrestler? Can you give me a list of 10 - 20 moves that your wrestler uses most often!
2.Belly to Back suplex
3.Brain Buster
4.Body Slam
5.Frog Splash
8.neck sizzors
9.pile driver
10.dragon sleeper
11.power bomb
12. sizzors kick

Trademark ~ Cold Kick 
Trademark Definition ~ HBK Shawn Michales Super Kick

Finisher ~ Chillie Splash
Finisher Definition ~ 450 splash off the top rope while his opponet is on the mat.

What is your wrestlers history. ~  Chill has wrestled in many different federations. He started off in indy wrestling in North Carolina. Chill became a quick superstar. He won the Indy World Title. But shortly after he got promoted to a national wrestling federation. He was in the XWF for two years. He won 3 different titles. The World Title twice, The Xtreme title once and the TV title once. Then after it closed he went to the EWA. Were he was undefeated and World Champion!Now he comes here to make a name for himself!

Please give me an entrance introduction: ~ Lights,Camera,Action plays over the loud speaker. Chill walks down to the ring and awaits his opponet. 

Please give me another entrance introduction: Chill walks down as the pyros go off and Lights,Camera Action plays he get into the ring and waits.