What is your real name? Patrick Cook 

   What is your e-mail address? 

   What is an Alternate Way of Contacting you? yahoo or AOL thumpy79 on yahoo and thethumpiest on AIM 

   What has been your best match idea, and what ideas do you like?  Please describe them. 

Best match idea, well, really best match I have been in was a scaffold match. You know the catwalk over the ring, but there were tables under it and you had to
knock your opponent off the scafoold and through the tables to win. It was my idea and they let me have it. It was the best match I have ever read. They were very
detailed and it had alot of high spots.

   What is your wrestler name? HoMiCyDe 

   How much does your wrestler weight? 250 

How tall is your wrestler? 6'0" 

   What is your wrestlers' theme song? " Meaning of Life " 

   Who sings your wrestlers' theme song? Disturbed 

   What is your wrestlers' allignment? Neutral but can go either way 

   What style is your wrestler? Hardcore, technical 

Can you give me a list of 10 - 20 moves that your wrestler uses most often!  One per line 


Reverse DDT 

Top rope leg drop 

Death Valley Driver 

Spining Pile driver 

Power Clothesline 

Oklahoma Slam 


top rope punches 

figure four 


   Trademark: Body Bag 

   Trademark Definition: HoMiCyDe does a front flip from the top rop and hits a leg drop 

   Finisher: Code Blue 

   Finisher Definition Powerbomb turned facebuster 

   Please give us a very detailed description of your wrestler: HoMiCyDe kicks his opponent in the stomache and makes and X with his arms signaling the Code
Blue. He lifts his opponent up as if to hit a power bomb, but on the way down he flips htem around and does a face buster. 

What is your wrestlers history:  HoMiCyDe ( real name John Lumas) started wrestling when he was 18 in an indy fed on the eat coast, growing up in Rocky
Mount, North Carolina, there was not much to do, so him and his friends would set up plywood and rope and wrestle for hours every day. He finally got his break
when he tried out for an indy federation. His debut matched opend up new horizons for him. After only a year he was the world champion of the indy fed. He stayed with them for another 3 years, holding almost every title. He finally made it big with the opening of a major federation, O.W.A. The managers wanted his name to change due to the graphic content of it. They could never sell shirts with that name on it so they gave him the lame ass name Crazy Man. Crazy Man never hit it big and he quit after only 6 months. While searching for a new federation, he was apporched by an agent and later signed with a federation were he could go back to his old name. He never changed his name again and continues to sell out arenas. He hopes to make it big here. 

Please give me an entrance introduction: " Meaning of Life " blast throguh the arena as the name HoMiCyDe appears on the screen drippingwith blood.
HoMiCyDe walks out with a chair in hand. He stands at the top of the ramp and hits slams the chair on the ground three times. He continues to walk down the aisle,
untill he approches the apron. He throws the cahir in the ring and flips over the top rope. Once in the ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms.