
A small countdown, from five to one begins.  In black and white, a small TV with letters written inside of it, "HTV".  Then, a background of missing cable is seen [that's where the black and white dots and circles are flashing;  really annoying].  Still, in black and white, we can see HoMiCyDe's enter the Igloo in Tampa Bay, Florida.  He has a big bag, across his shoulders.  He walks in, with jogging pants and a sweat-shirt, getting ready to train for his match.  But, in the background, near a concession stand, "reading" a newspaper, Thom Hewson looks on.  As HoMiCyDe makes hi sway towards his locker-room, Thom takes the newspaper, throws it in the trash can, smiles.  And starts walking away. 

A loud buzzing sound can be heard, then, the dots show up again, whereas we change from black and white, to color and from the HTV to the arena, where we are getting ready for this second ever Supremacy Unfolded Supreme Revolution show.


After the horn blows, the show begins.  Fireworks start pyro-ing and the lights go off.  A huge bang is heard, and once again more fireworks start shooting.  Lights flicker, and the fans give a huge ovation, after SU's first ever-show.  Fans in the crowd have signs, thumbs fingers, and merchandise.  Finally, the camera focus' on the two announcers, Bud Weiser and Al Diamond. 

Al Diamond:  Hello and Welcome to Supremacy Unfolded's second-ever event.  Supreme Revolution is sure to be a great event.

Bud Weiser:  That is a given.  We only have a few matches tonight, but things will develop. 

Al Diamond:  That's quite right.  Actually, at this moment in time, one of Supremacy Unfolded's Newest Wrestlers, Hawiian Pete is wandering the halls.

Backstage, we can see Hawiian Pete getting a rift for everything SU.  He's looking around, meeting the other superstars.  He is giving interviews, and buying merchandise.  He's also taking photo shoots, and all that good stuff.


A small countdown, from five to one begins.  In black and white, a small TV with letters written inside of it, "HTV".  Then, a background of missing cable is seen [that's where the black and white dots and circles are flashing;  really annoying]. **BEEP**  HoMiCyDe is seen backstage, in his lockerroom.  A good friend of his, is standing against the spy camera, and only his dark hair is seen.  HoMiCyDe and he are talking.

"Hey, man.  Are you ready for the show tonight?"  "Ofcourse", says the other man.  "Great.  Tonight is going to be awesome.  you will see.  I can dominate The Reverand like none other."  the other man says, "I bet.  Why did he sign up with you in the first place.  He can't be overly intelligent."  HoMiCyDe then says, "Also, I can't wait for the return of Thom Hewson.  Mwehahahhahaha...  I destroyed the little bastard.  He'll be out for atleast a month." and, HoMiCyDe, coming up with another brilliant idea, says "Let's go get a drink.  The bar is open you know. "  The two men walk out of the room.  Just as the door opens, and their backs turned, Thom Hewson steps out from a hallway, that leads into HoMiCyDe's locker room.  He cracks a smile, follows the two out the door.

A loud buzzing sound can be heard, then, the dots show up again, whereas we change from black and white, to color and from the HTV to the arena, getting ready for the first match, of Johnny Lawless verus Sewaside.

Miss Information: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a singles match. Introducing first, weighing in at 245 pounds, Sewaside!!! .... Now, making his way to the ring, his opponent weight 245 pounds, Johnny Lawless.

Sewaside exits the ring as Johnny Lawless is comming up the ramp and begins assaulting him with huge right hands, he then drags his towards the ring, but Johnny Lawless delivers a strong right blow to the midsection of Sewaside, they then begin exchanging rights and lefts. Sewaside gets the advanatge and irish whips Lawless towards the steps,but, Lawless reverses it and whips Sewaside into the steps. Sewaside's shoulder hits the steps with a sickening thud and he stays
lying on the mat holding his shoulder. 

Bud Weiser: That could play a large part in the outcome of this match... 

Al Diamond:  As the match progresses, that arm is only going to be more and more painful for Sewaside, it's going to
wear him down.... 

Johnny Lawless walks over to Sewaside and rolls him back in the ring. Johnny Lawless stands over him and
waits for Sewaside to get up. Johnny Lawless uses a snap mare takeover on Sewaside. 

Now Sewaside is standing. Johnny Lawless chops Sewaside. Sewaside bounces  Lawless off the ropes and clotheslines his. Lawless gets back to his feet.Sewaside gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.  Sewaside then gets back to his feet. Johnny Lawless hits a jumping elbow thrust on Sewaside. Sewaside gets back to his feet. Sewaside picks Johnny Lawless up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Sewaside rolls over and goes for the cover.

-[1....2... ]- Johnny Lawless kicks out. Lawless gets to his feet quickly

Sewaside gets up. Lawless tackles Sewaside. Johnny Lawless climbs to his feet. Sewaside pins Johnny Lawless against the ropes and chokes his with his forearm. The referee begins the count, once the referee gets to four Sewaside breaks the hold. Sewaside uses a spinning headscissors on Johnny Lawless which sends his hard to the mat. Sewaside is
back on his feet. Sewaside drags Johnny Lawless to the floor. Sewaside executes the guillotine choke on Johnny Lawless. Sewaside stomps Johnny Lawless's head.  Johnny Lawless then hits a kick to the sturnum of Sewaside. Johnny Lawless runs against the ropes, and Sewaside gets hit with a diving elbow smash. Johnny Lawless gets back to his feet just before Sewaside.  Johnny Lawless swings at Sewaside, but he ducks and takes Johnny Lawless down with an armbar takeover.
Sewaside applies an arm wrench to Johnny Lawless.  Sewaside hits Johnny Lawless with an elbowdrop.  Sewaside moves back to his feet. They head back into the ring. They lockup. Johnny Lawless sends Sewaside to the corner of the ring. Johnny Lawless sucks chants start in the crowd. Johnny Lawless trys for a backdrop but is unable to lift Sewaside. Johnny Lawless with the Flying Elbowdrop on Sewaside! Flying sunset flip by Johnny Lawless has Sewaside pinned. 
-[ 1...2... ]- Sewaside kicks out. 

Johnny Lawless looks very agitated and looks Sewaside is back on his feet and they begin exchanging right hands, Sewaside gets the advantage and takes Johnny Lawless down with a huge clothesline. Sewaside then picks Johnny Lawless up and whips him into the corner, he then lifts Johnny Lawless up onto the turnbuckle and hits a superplex, both are down, Sewaside rolls over and pins Johnny Lawless.   -[ 1....2.... ]- Johnny Lawless just manages to kick out. Sewaside then climbs back to the top rope and waits for Johnny Lawless to get up before hitting a missile dropkick. He then lifts Johnny Lawless up and hits a swinging DDT!!!! but Sewaside stays down holding his shoulder, that move looks to have re-hurt that shoulder Johnny Lawless injured at the beginning of this match. Sewaside eventually gets on top of
Johnny Lawless. 

-[1....2....] Johnny Lawless kicks out. As Sewaside is getting up from the canvas, Johnny Lawless hits a legsweep but Sewaside hits into the referee knocking him to the outside. 

"Purple Haze" by Lenny Kravitz starts up and Tru Hart runs down the ramp and begins attacking Sewaside.  Johnny Lawless joins in on the attack. Tru Hart locks the ST3 on Sewaside.

Bud Weiser: It's a two-on-one!!

"Rock the mic" echoes throughout the arena and the arena erupts as Jetekid runs down the rampway, he ducks under a right hand from Johnny Lawless and irish whips him over the top rope, he then runs off the ropes and hits a baseball slide into Tru Hart's head. Sewaside remains down as the referee gets to his feet, he sees Johnny Lawless get back into the ring and continue stomping away on Sewaside. The referee calls for the bell. 

Several referees come out from the back and attempt to seperate the four men in the ring.

A small countdown, from five to one begins.  In black and white, a small TV with letters written inside of it, "HTV".  Then, a background of missing cable is seen [that's where the black and white dots and circles are flashing;  really annoying]. **BEEP**.  Once again, HoMiCyDe is seen, also with the mystery guest.  This time, they're at a bar, inside the arena, having a few drinks and a small snack.

HoMiCyDe: Pretty good arena, isn't it?

Person:  Yeah.  Everything is great, especially the ladies.

HoMiCyDe:  That's for sure.  By the way.  You should see what I have planned for Dow tonight.  It is awesome.  You'll love it.  Speaking of mass destruction, I should have killed Thom Hewson, when I had the chance.  It's too bad that the fookin' wanker is still alive.

Person:  Hey man, I could not agree more.  But, you'll definately have to deal with him when he gets back.  I'm sure he'll be one mad mother fucker.  Nonetheless, you will prevail, just like you always do.
HoMiCyDe:  Would you excuse me for one quick minute?  I have to go take a leak.  I'll be right back.

Person: Sure.  Take your time, you wanker.

[HoMiCyDe gets up, and walks towards the washrooms. He gets inside, and starts whistleing the Hockey Night in Canada theme song.  He stops in order to unzip, and unbutton his pants.  In one of the stalls, the other person taking a crap, contiues the Hockey Night in Canada theme song.  HoMiCyDe seems a little confused.  The man in the stall, stops the song, and HoMiCyde continues, as he finishes using the urinal.  Once finished, he continues the song, washes his hands and gets out of the washroom, after hearing a weird weird human being sing a song with him, in the mensroom.  As HoMICyDe leaves, Thom Hewson gets out of the stall.  A glimmer of hate shines in his eyes, and the world stops for him.  He starts laughing, and leaves the washroom, and goes over to his lockerroom.

[Dow is inside his office, getting ready to make a public service announcement for the Supremacy Unfolded Wrestling Federation.  Dressed up in Armani Suit and tie, Dow takes a drink from his bottle of water, clears his throwt and start to speak]

Dow:  Hello.  Thank you everyone, for watching tonigths' event.  I'm actually really pissed off, and i'll get right to business.  HoMiCyDe, I don't really know what you have planned, but if you ever destroy any of my possessions, I will personally kick the living shit out of you.  If that isn't clear enough, you must realise that if you continue and persist in failing to listening to me,  you will, sooner or later be fired.

You think that you are some big, big, bad ass, who can control me, and do whatever he wishes.  Realise, my friend, you must keep your enemies close.  You must keep your friends even closer.  Most of all, pay attention to your boss.  He is the one who signs your paycheck, and can make your live a living hell.

I don't exactly know what your previous bosses had to put up with you, but, you're no longer with them.  Something must be wrong.  Next time you see me, you will regret ever, signing the contract with your name on it.

Realise this.  I am the boss, and I control every thing around here.  And, as a great prophet once said 
            ""It's All About the game, and how you play it. All about control, and if you can take it. All about your 
               debt, and  if you can pay it." -- bust most of all, it's "All About pain, and who's gonna make it."

Yes, you are a wrestling veteran, so if there is one thing you  have learnt, it must have been, don't mess with the boss.

[Once done that part of his speech, Dow takes a drink of his water, clears his throwt, and begins speaking, once again]

Now, I paid Terminator to be a "enforcer" last week. He did that, that's for sure.  But, another thing is also certain.  He asked the person, with whom I am not on good ground with, to be his tag partner.  Seemingly, that is going against my trusth, so I must charge The Terminator for a grand total of $700 000.00.  I have paid him $10 000.00 to take care of my business last week, but his lack of support and his total amount of traitory has made me what to relinquish his "compensation", of the car and box that I gave him.  He must either return the car in complete, non-destroyed manner.  If you do so, you will be fined $645.00 for the luxury box, and that is all.  If you do not, you will be fined $700 000.00 for both the box and the car.  If you fail to do both, you will be suspended without pay.

[Once done that part of his speech, Dow takes a drink of his water, clears his throwt, and begins speaking, once again]

There has been a growing amount of support in Tag Teams.  Prior to the pay-per-view, several matches will take places, to decide number one and two contenders to these titles.  Anyone who is interested, may drop me a line.  Also, several wrestlers will be getting involved into a World and Prime Time Championship tournament.  Several wrestlers will be inserted into the line-up for the World Championship tourmament.  If you lose your match there, you will be then inserted into the Prime Time Tournament.  Both tournaments, will have different stipulations, which will be determinted at a later date.  As for those wrestlers who will partake in the Hollywood Title Battle Royale tournament, a small surprise will be saved for you guys at a later time.

Furthermore, I have fired Johnny Lawless and Sewaside, for Drug and Alcohol Abuse.  They were a danger to the company.

On May 18, 2002, the pay-per-view King of eXtreme will take place.  It will be live, from the SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario.  Already, I can tell you that there will be a Tag Team Championship match, and World Title Championships match{s}, a Prime TIme Championship match, aswell as Area 51 and Hollywood Championship matches.

Also, Supremacy Unfolded's next card, will be from the Pepsi Center in Denver Colorado.

That is all that I have to say for now.


Miss Information: The following match is scheduled for one fall and it will be a No Disqualification Match!!!. Coming to the ring at this time, weighing 230 pounds, HoMiCyDe!!!

< The lights dim as fire burst from the ramp way. “ Meaning of Life “ by Disturbed blares from the P.A. as HoMiCyDe makes his way to the ring. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and pulls a table out from underneath the ring apron. He sets it up on the outside. >

Miss Information: His opponent, weighing in at…….

< Reverend runs out from the crowd and attacks HoMiCyDe. The bell rings. HoMiCyDe is on the bitter end of this exchange. Reverend continues to pummel HoMiCyDe and throws him into the ring. HoMiCyDe is finally up and ready to fight. Reverend charges for him, but HoMiCyDe  side steps, causing Reverend to go shoulder first into the ring post. HoMiCyDe grabs Reverand and locks on a sleeper, which Reverand easily gets out of. Reverand turns around and kicks HoMiCyDei in the gut. He then proceeds to DDT him. HoMiCyDe is out on the canvas. Reverend looks down at him and spits. His shirt covered in blood. Reverend picks HoMiCyDe up by the hair, but HoMiCyDe comes back with vicious punches to the stomach. Reverand tries to catch his breath as HoMiCyDe lifts him up and brings him down with a massive German suplex. HoMiCyDe is now on the offensive. Reverand is down on the mat and HoMiCyDe knows that he should take advantage. HoMiCyDe grabs the legs of Reverand and knees him in the groin, causing Revand to ball up and hold his mid-section. HoMiCyDe goes to the outside and pulls a chair from the floor. He folds it up and enters the ring with it. Rev is still down on the mat while Homi is about to give him something he won’t forget. Rev finally stands back up as Homi cracks him over the head with a steel chair. The force sends him back into the corner. Homi places the chair on the face of Rev, and drop kicks the chair right into his skull!!! Rev’s head is busted wide open as blood pours from the open wound. Rev. takes a few steps forward and then falls, face first onto the matt. A puddle of blood begins to form in the place where Rev’s head rest. Homi thinks that he has this match, but Rev is right back up behind him!!!. Rev has the chair, look out HoMiCyDe!!! HoMiCyDe turns around as Rev swings the chair with all his might. HoMiCyDe ducks the chair shot, but is caught with another quick one to the back. HoMiCyDe holds his back, but Rev isn’t finished. As the crimson mask forms on his face, he smacks HoMiCyDe across the face with the chair, causing HoMiCyDe’s face to be busted open. HoMiCyDe falls to the canvas as Rev throws the chair out of the ring. Rev rolls off the apron and goes over to the camera man. He yanks the cords out from the camera and climbs backs in the ring. He picks HoMiCyDe up and begins to choke him with the camera cable!!! HoMiCyDe’s face is turning blue. Rev, still choking HoMiCyDe, throws him over the top rope, but holds on to the cable!!! He is hanging HoMiCyDe!!! HoMiCyDe is struggling to breathe. He is going limp. HoMiCyDe is out!!! Rev picks him back up and covers…1…2…NO!!!! HoMiCyDe kicked out!!! Rev can’t believe it. Rev picks HoMiCyDe back up and throws him towards the rope, HoMiCyDe ducks the attempted clothesline and hits him with a running knee strike. HoMiCyDe and Reverend are both down on the mat. HoMiCyDe is trying to catch his breath as he goes to the top rope. Rev is laying on his back in the middle of the ring. HoMiCyDe flips the crowd off and leaps, connecting with a monsterous leg drop from the top rope!!! HoMiCyDe covers..1..2…KICK OUT!!! Reverend kicked out. HoMiCyDe picks Reverend up and takes him to the outside. HoMiCyDe whips Reverend into the steel barrier. Reverend holds his back, but it still on his feet. HoMiCyDe runs towards him as Rev back body drops HomiCyDe over the barrier and into the crowd. Rev jumps onto the barrier and comes off with an elbow onto HoMiCyDe. Revrend picks HoMiCyDe back up and carries him into the lobby, where many fans are getting drinks and food. Reverend picks HOMiCyDe up and drops him throat first onto the beverage cart. HoMiCyDe’s face is busted open bad, and blood is pouring onto the floor of the lobby. Reverend looks at the people watching and spits blood at them. His face is cut open pretty bad as well. Reverend leaves HoMiCyDe on the floor and goes off to find another weapon. HomiCyDe comes to and sees Reverend nowhere in sight. He turns around and grabs a trash can lid. HoMiCyDe starts to walk through the lobby and goes into the bathroom. He kicks open all the doors and Reverend kicks the door back into his face, sending HoMiCyDe into the sink. Reverend comes out with a plunger and smacks HOMiCyDe in the head with it. HoMiCyDe stumbles, then grabs Rev by the head and smashes his head into the mirror, sending shards of glass flying. HomiCyDe picks Rev up and drops him with a spine buster on the bathroom floor. HoMiCyDe picks him up again and carries him back into the lobby. He continues to kick and hit Rev as they both end up back at the entrance ramp. The fans are going nuts at this excellent match. HoMiCyDe kicks Rev in the gut and signals for the CODE BLUE..but Rev runs behind him and connects with a reverese DDT into the steel ramp. Something causes Reverend to look towards the ring and sees a table on fire!!! A FLAMING TABLE IN BY THE RING!!! Rev smiles and picks HoMiCyDe up. He starts to carry him towards the flaming table. He puts HoMiCyDe’s head between his legs and signals for a power bomb. He is going to power bomb him through the FLAMING TABLE!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! A man just ran out from the crowd. Reverend starts to lift HoMiCyDe up, but the man hits Reverend, causing him to relaease HOMiCyDe. Reverend turns around to see who it is. MADD DOGG!!! Madd Dog is in SU!!! Madd Dogg smirks and grabs Reverend by the head and throws him into the ring. HoMiCyDe is on the outside resting. Madd Dogg sets Reverend up for a power bomb, and hits it. He POWER BOMBED Rev FROM THE RING TO THE OUTSIDE THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE!!!   Reverend begins to roll around trying to extinguish the flames. HoMiCyDe looks up at Madd Dogg and smiles. The lights flicker out and the arena falls into silence as a figure dressed in black from head to toe approaches HoMiCyDe. HoMiCyDe begins to punch, but the figure ducks the punch and brings him down with an arm drag. HoMiCyDe charges, but the mystery man delivers a drop toe hold, and then reaches into his tights, producing a pair of brass knuckles.  Instead of putting them on, he jabs HoMiCyde in the side of the head, and then sets his throat over the bottom rope, head facing down outside the ring. The figure climbs to the top rope and jumps down, bringing a knee down on the back of HoMiCyDe’s head. HoMiCyde begins to cough and grab at his throat, but the figure pulls him out of the ring, and delivers a DDT onto the concrete. By this time officials have filled the ring, but to no avail. The masked assailant is carrying HoMiCyDe out through the crowd to the upper levels. The masked man throws HoMiCyDe into the ladies’ room, and follows him in. HoMiCyDe begins to pick up anything within sight to throw, but the man is on him right away, flailing away to the back of the head. He pulls HoMiCyDe up, and repeatedly bashes his head into the wall, then finally into a nearby standing mirror. The mirror shatters, and bloody fragments fall to the floor. The figure reaches into his tights again, this time producing a bag of salt. He proceeds to carve the letters “TH” into HoMiCyDe’s face, and pours the salt in the fresh gashes. Before giving the pain time to set in, he drags him over to a stall and pushes his head down in the john, repeatedly bringing the toilet seat down, before sitting on it. The figure goes to pull off his mask, and it’s none other than Thom Hewson! He shoots a lopsided grin at the camera before making a “constipated” face, and turns, showing a fresh scar stretching from his forehead down to below his ear. HoMiCyDe’s head is still resting in the toilet, as Thom turns around and unzips his pants. The golden shower ensues, and Thom leaves him there, proceeding back through the crowd. He returns to the ring, and asks for a mic.

Thom Hewson:  You know, I’m fookin’ humbled to have had me own arse handed to me. But humility and I don’t really get along, so I decided to kick it in the fookin’ balls and extract some good revenge. See, I don’t really care about tables, chairs, bats, or anything else bein’ broke over me ‘ead.  The problem is that some fookin’ wanker tried to fookin’ kill me last week, and that’s just not gonna ‘appen. HoMiCyDe, see, you can’t just off me and think it’s over. No, I’m gonna be the shite in your cereal for a good while, lad. See, I’m kinda like poison ivy. I’m a fookin’ pain in the arse, I make you itch, ya know. But, if you scratch that itch, it just gets worse. I’ll admit, I had more than just a little need to change me pants after being stuck in that fookin’ thing last week, and nearly bein’ crushed. But that’s just fuel to the fookin’ fire, and this fookin’ scar? Well, now you’re fookin’ screwed. See, I had me the most beautiful, tops, gorgeous face of any man in this fookin’ fed. I bet I coulda had any girl in this crowd. In fact, I think I still could, but of course, you still ruined me profile. Look, for fook’s sake, I look like fookin’ Harry Potter! I wanna be adored by the ladies, not the 10 year old lads and lasses who think I look like their little hero all grown up. The last thing I need is a little fooker askin’ me to teach him some fookin’ spell. But you know what? If I did know magic, I wouldn’t even bother using it on you. It’d be too good for you.  HoMiCyDe, I know you didn’t like what happened tonight. I know you’re gonna feel it in the morning. But it’s nothing. I’ll fookin’ cripple yer arse. You’ll be beggin’ for me to just cut you up and piss on yer bloody corpse again. But you know what? It’s not gonna ‘appen. I want you to know I take pride in every bruise, cut and piss stain on your body. But it’s not enough. See, unlike you, I don’t leave work unfinished. That was your mistake. You shoulda made sure I didn’t fookin’ come out of that dumpster. Oh, you destroyed the little tape, isn’t that special? Every fookin’ VCR in the country was rollin’, and you could be hauled off to jail if I so wished. In fact, it would be kinda funny to hear all the stories about big bad HoMiCyDe laid out face down on the showers of the jail, being little baby bitch. Don’t worry, though, I’ve got better things in store for you. See, I’m not gonna press charges. I think it’s better to let these international things go, American bloke tries to kill an upright British citizen, the red tape alone would bore me to suicide. No, no, instead, I’ve got a bit of a proposal. You, me, and a cage. Then, we wrap the ropes in barbed wire, and lock the fookin’ doors. The match must end on two stipulations. Either you or me must have be bleedin’, and then the knockout is initiated. The refs at ringside will count to see if you or me is up by 10, and if not, then the match is over. What do you say, mate? Can you bring the ac-shee-un?

The crowd erupts as “Cigarettes and Alcohol” ushers Thom out of the arena.

Bud Weiser: Ok folks, this next match is the Over the Top Rope Battle Rope. This should be a good match Al.

Al Diamond: Yeah, about as good as a two dollar whore.

Bud: Nice Al, real nice

Miss Information: This match is scheduled for one fall and is the Battle Royal. The only way to defeat your opponent is to throw them over the top rope, and both feet must hit the ground. Coming to the ring at this time…HHH!!!

< “ Time to Play the Game “, by Motorhead hits the speakers as HHH steps out from behind the curtain with a water bottle in his hand. He stops at the top of the ramp and takes a sip from the bottle. He starts to walk down the ramp with an intense look on his face. He jumps onto the apron and look down. He then looks up and spits the water into the air and gets into the ring. >

Miss Information: His oppnent…..Bandit!!!

< The lights in the arena start to flicker as “ Tear Away “ by Drowning Pool plays.  The light return to their normal state, as Bandit is already in the ring. >

Miss Information: Their opponent…..Scott Van Damn!!!

< “ Living it Up “, by Ja Rule plays as Scott Van Damn walks out and enters the ring >

Miss Information: Next…coming to the ring…..Jetekid!!!!

< The lights go out and the Titan-Tron goes on.  At the first sound of " Rock the Mic" the crowd rises to their feet and begins to clap their hands to the beat knowing that their favorite is going to be arriving down the entrance way any second.  Jetekid walks out and begins giving high fives and handshakes all the way down the entrance way. Clapping and getting the crowd into the scene and getting on his side Jetekid gets hyped for his upcoming match  >

Miss Information: Next to the ring….Tru Hart!!!

< “ Purple Haze “ hits the P.A. as Tru Hart sprints to the ring. He stands outside, peering at his opponents. >

Miss Information: Finally, the last man in this Battle Royal…..Dan Farmer!!!

< The arena lights go out. Suddenly there is an explosion in the ring.  Followed by one at the top of the ramp. "Break the glass", blares over the P.A. system. Dan comes out wearing his ring attire. The crowd goes nuts. They love him. Dan comes to the ring. He gets in. He poses for the crowd. >

Bud: Ok, here we go, this should be one for the record books

Al: It sure will be, these six men have everything to gain by winning this match.

< The bell sounds and HHH goes straight for Farmer. Farmer ducks an attempted clothesline by HHH and hits Jetekid instead. Jetekid hits the mat hard as Farmer hits HHH from behind. Hart and SVD start it out on the other side of the ring. Hart gets the advantage and takes SVD down with a snap mare. Bandit is standing alone in the corner, waiting for his opportunity. HHH and Farmer are battling it out in the center of the ring, while Jetekid is coming to from the clothesline he took earlier. Bandit sees the dazed Jetekid and attempts to throw him over the top rope, but Jetekid hits him with a right hand, sending him backwards into the rope. >

Bud: We almost had our first elimination right there

< Bandit stands back up and is hit again by another right hand from Jetekid. HHH and Farmer are still battling it out. Farmer whips HHH into the ropes and hits him with a big boot, sending him down to the canvas. SVD has Hart in a headlock, but Hart lifts him up and hits him with a nice back suplex. Hart mounts SVD and begins to punch him as the crowd counts. Hart picks SVD up and levels him with a vicious chop to the chest which gets a great reaction from the crowd.. Hart then grabs SVD by the head and drives his face into the mat with a bulldog. HHH and Farmer are tied up and HHH gets the advantage. HHH lifts Farmer up and hits an atomic drop, causing Farmer to stumble to the ropes. HHH sees this and runs at him, but is stopped by Jetekid. Jetekid grabs HHH by the throat and sends him down with a monstrous choke slam. HHH is down on the mat, motionless. Jetekid leaves him there and goes after Farmer. Farmer catches the hand of Jetekid, and twist it behind his body into an armbar. Jetekid taps his shoulder in pain. Bandit and SVD are now engaging in battle. SVD throws Bandit into the corner and sets him up on the top rope. He signals to the crowd and launches himself off the top rope with a Superplex. Bandit hits his head hard on the matt as SVD leaves him there. SVD sees the trouble that  Jetekid is in and assist Farmer. He begins to pound the shoulder of Jetekid. Farmer finally release the hold, and pushes Jetekid into SVD. SVD catches Jetekid and connects with a spinning belly back to suplex. Jetekid is on the canvas. HHH finally gets up and sees Hart working on Bandit. HHH grabs Hart and hits the PEDIGREE out of no where!!! Hart is out cold. Farmer is in trouble in the corner now by Bandit. Bandit connects with an uppercut sending Farmer face first into the tunrbuckle. Now, Jetekid, Farmer, and Hart are both on the matt. HHH and Bandit are now both standing by the ropes taunting the crowd. WHAT’S THIS!!! CEO Dow is running out with a steel chair and HHH and Bandit don’t see him !!! HHH and Bandit both turn around, only to be meet with a vicious chair shot to the face, sending them both over the top rope!!! HHH and Bandit have both been eliminated!!! SVD sees this and runs towards Dow, but Dow throws the chair at SVD, hitting him in the face with it, causing him to go over the top rope backwards!!! SVD has been eliminated!!! >

Bud: Did you see that, Dow just eliminated three men within a matter of seconds!!!

Al: Damn right, Dow is the man!!!

< Prez Dow takes a mic and flips backwards over the rope. He gets down on his kness by the three men. >

Dow: Oh yeah, by the way... all three of you are FIRED!!!

< The crowd goes crazy as Dow has just fired Bandit, HHH, and SVD!!! >

< Back in the ring, Jetekid and Farmer are both getting back to their feet. Jetekid and Farmer are now in a slug fest. Farmer takes a few right hands and stumbles back, Hart is getting back to his feet as Farmer bumps into him. Farmer falls back into the ropes, but Hart pulss down the top rope, causing Farmer to fall over and onto the floor. Farmer has been ELIMINATED!!! Jetekid and Hart or left. Jetekid picks hart up and hits him with a neck breaker. Hart hits the matt and holds his neck. Jetekid taunts him, telling him to get up. Hart gets back to his feet, as Jetelkid tries for a dropkick, but Hart steps back, and Jetekid finds nothing but air. Farmer is still on the outside cussing at the ref. Farmer hops onto the apron and grabs Hart. Farmer holds Hart as Jetekid connects with a dropkick this time. The impact sends Farmer flying off the apron and into the announce table. Hart turns around and is meet by a kick to the knee, sending him down to the mat. Jetekid picks him right back up and throws him to the rope, connecting with a flying forearm. Hart goes down. Jetekid picks him up and tries to throw him over, but Hart turns him around and clotheslines him over the top, but the momentum sends Hart over as well, both men have been ELIMINATED at the SAME TIME…NO WAIT!!!.JETEKID HELD ON!!! HART IS ELIMINATED…JETEKID WINS!!!! Jetekid gets back in the ring and celebrates as Hart pounds the ground with his fist. Farmer is back up and starts to walk towards the back. “ Fight Music “ hits and out runs Hawaian Pete runs out from the back and clotheslines Farmer on the steel ramp. Pete makes his way into the ring and taps the unexpected Jetekid on the shoulder. Jetekid turns around and Pete hits the PINA COLADA!!!! Hart is now getting back up, as Pete flies over the top rope and hits hart with a flying cross body. Pete picks Hart up and throws him into the ring. He then walks over to Farmer and throws him into the ring as well!!! All three men are out cold in the ring. Pete lays all three men on top of each other and goes to the top rope. He jumps off and connects with a Frog Splash on all three men!!!

[Dow is still at the top of the ramp, with mic in hand]

Dow:  Saturday, May 18, 2002, Hawiian Pete will be facing Dan "The Man Farmer".  They will be facing, Jetekid, and those three will be facing Tru Hart, for the Hollywood Championship.

Good luck in the weeks to come, young grasshoppers.

Al Diamond: This match has the makings of a classic.

Bud Weiser: Both are after one thing Al, the World Title. They'll need to impress the CEO if either is to get a shot at becomming champion.

Both men are slow to make a move, but, it starts out with an exchange of rights and lefts. "The Enigma" Edward Layman's
advantage in weight and size allows him to get the advantage, and he whips Hardcore Hoplin into the corner. "The Enigma" Edward Layman charges into the corner and elbows Hardcore Hoplin, who then moves out from the corner
holding his jaw. When Hardcore Hoplin reaches the centre of the ring, Hardcore Hoplin grabs him from behind and hits a belly to back suplex. "The Enigma" Edward Layman then quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a frog splash. "The Enigma" Edward Layman waits on top of Hardcore Hoplin as the referee drops to the mat. 

-[ 1....2.. ] Hardcore Hoplin kicks out just after two.

Both men get to their feet, "The Enigma" Edward Layman charges at Hardcore Hoplin, but, Hardcore Hoplin ducks it, he then runs against the ropes and hits a bulldog. Hardcore Hoplin picks "The Enigma" Edward Layman up off the mat, and hits a swinging DDT. The "The Enigma" Edward Layman quickly gets to his feet, but, Hardcore Hoplin kicks him in the sturnum and hits a fisherman suplex. He keeps the leg hooked as he hits the mat. 

-[ 1...2.... ] Almost a three count, but, The "The Enigma" Edward Layman kicked out.

After kicking out, "The Enigma" Edward Layman rolled over. Hardcore Hoplin sees this, and quickly attempts to lock in the
Crippler Crossface. "The Enigma" Edward Layman's size makes it extremely difficuly for Hardcore Hoplin to lock in the
move. Hardcore Hoplin then rakes "The Enigma" Edward Layman's eyes and locks in the Crippler Crossface. The fans boo loudly as "The Enigma" Edward Layman screams in agony.

Al Diamond: That may be the lost move executed in tonight's match Al.

Bud Weiser: Could be, "The Enigma" Edward Layman's in a pretty bad way. It looks to be affecting Hardcore Hoplin aswell though.

"The Enigma" Edward Layman slowly edges his way towards the ropes... after a few moments he sluggishly reaches the
ropes but Hardcore Hoplin won't release the hold. The referee tries to pry apart Hardcore Hoplin and "The Enigma" Edward Layman, but, to no avail. He then applies the five count. 

1.....2.....3......4.... Hardcore Hoplin releases the hold.

Al Diamond: It's about damn time!

Bud Weiser: The damage is already done though.

"The Enigma" Edward Layman remains down on the mat holding his shoulder. Hardcore Hoplin stands his ground as the referee complains about Hardcore Hoplin's actions. Hardcore Hoplin just shakes his head and returns his attention to The
"The Enigma" Edward Layman, and begins stomping on "The Enigma" Edward Layman's shoulder. "The Enigma" Edward Layman grabs the ropes once again. Sarcasticly Hardcore Hoplin raises both his arms and steps back from "The Enigma" Edward Layman. "The Enigma" Edward Layman has great difficulty getting back to his feet. He holds his left shoulder and stares at a smiling Hardcore Hoplin. Hardcore Hoplin moves in towards "The Enigma" Edward Layman and  stands looking up at him smiling. The crowd erupt as "The Enigma" Edward Layman grabs him for the chokeslam, he raises him up but drops back down as Hardcore Hoplin hits a low blow.

Bud Weiser: Desperate measures by a desperate man.

Hardcore Hoplin steps back from "The Enigma" Edward Layman in order to regrain his breath. Seeing that "The Enigma" Edward Layman is still bent over, Hardcore Hoplin steps over him and attempts to powerbomb him, he gets him up a little,
but, "The Enigma" Edward Layman's weight is a little too much, and "The Enigma" Edward Layman hits a back body drop.

Al Diamond: What elevation!! Again, that move has affected both men.

"The Enigma" Edward Layman stands poised behind Hardcore Hoplin, and waits for him to get up and turn around. As soon as Hardcore Hoplin turns around, "The Enigma" Edward Layman kicks Hoplin in the gut, and hits the Enigmatic Explosion, or the Pedigree. 

Bud Weiser: Holy Crap.  It's the Enigmatic Explosion.  This one is over..

"The Enigma" Edward Layman rolls away from Hardcore Hoplin holding his shoulder once again. Hardcore Hoplin is lying on the mat motionless. As "The Enigma" Edward Layman gets up and begins walking towards Hardcore Hoplin.  With all of his strength, "The Enigma" gets to the top rope, and then comes flying down, with an elbow, just like that of "Super Fly" Jimmy Snooka.  With all of his remaining sterngth, The Enigma goes for the cover, and gets a three count.  The bell rings, and all of a sudden "Points of Authority" by Linkin Park gegins playing.  "Sugar High" Shawn Shock and his new Tag Team Partner, The Terminator come down to the ringside, the duo and Layman stare at each other, as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of the results?  E-mail me at dowboy98@yahoo.com