[The scene opens up, the camera pans around the arena. A Sold OUT Cow Palace are on their feet, as they anxiously await the beginning of a new Era. The beginning of a great season is about to begin. The beginning of the Supremacy Unfolded Wrestling Federation has begun. Fireworks start shooting, and pyros and music. The echos from the crowd are amazingly loud, as it seems that all are happy to be here. Foam fingers, hats, T-Shirts; purchased from the Shopzone. Guys and girls with beer in hand, hotdogs in mouth and little kids with balloons. As the fireworks stop shooting, the crowd cheers louder, and the SU music starts to play. The camera stops panning, and zooms in on the two announcers, Al Diamond and Bud Weiser.]

Al Diamond: Hello everyone, welcome to Supremacy Unfolded's first EVER event, live from the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California. We have a pretty packed show for you today, and the card will be great. I'm sure that this event will set the tone for years to come in the wrestling federation.

Bud Weiser: That's right. This show will be great, as shown off in our first match, featuring up and coming superstars, Jetekid and Bandit. It should be really good, with animosity growing between both the superstars. Let's get going.

Miss Information: Ladies and gentleman, the following contest, in scedueled for one fall. First, coming out to the ring, being accompanied by Jessica, he weighs in at 255 pounds, Bandit.

[Bandit comes out from the back, with his wife at arm. The crowd cheers, and the big face steps from out of the curtain to his music, Tear Away, by Drowning Pool. Bandit stops, and kisses his wife, as she bends over to pick up a quarter, showing her ass off to the crowd. Most males in the crowd agree in unison. She walks down, with her husband. Bandit gets up first, and opens the ropes for her. She steps in, and he steps over. He gets on all four turnbuckles, and raises his arms. He lets Jessica out of the ring, and waits his opponent.]

Miss Information: and his opponent. Weighing 200 pounds, Jetekid.

[The lights go out and the titantron goes on. at the first sound of "rock the mic" the crowd rises to their feet and begins to clap their hands to the beat knowin that their favorite is goin to be arriving down the entrance way any second. Jetekid walks out and begins giving high fives and handshakes all the way down the entrance way. clappin and gettin the crowd into the scene and gettin on his side jetekid gets hiped for his upcoming match] 

Al Diamond:Shouldn't this be exciting?

[The match begins with the two locking-up. Bandit starts with the upper-hand, kneeing Jetekid in the stomach. With Jetekid out of breath, not expecting the quick tactic, Bandit hits a side-russian-leg-sweep. After Jetekid falls to the mat, Bandit hits a leg-drop, and then lifts Jetekid under his arms. Jetekid struggles to get out of the position, but Bandit hits a double-underarm suplex, which places Jetekid on the mat yet again. Bandit goes for a quick pin, but only gets a one count. Bandit starts kicking Jetekid in the ribs, until the 5 count, where the referee stops the attack. Bandit takes Jetekid's knee, and screws the cap of his knee into the back of Jetekids'. Once again, the referee has to pull Bandit off Jetekid. Bandit gets an evil smirk on his face, and then turns to the crowd, and they begin to chant "BANDIT". Others are saying "JETEKID". Bandit turns around, and takes Jetekid, and places him ontop of his shoulders, as if to execute a standing flap-jack, but as Bandit lowers his arms to hit the move, Jetekid hits a hurricanranna, taking Bandit down with him. Both hit the mat, and try and regain composure. The referee gets to a 4-count, until Jetekid gets up first. Jetekid grabs the heavier Bandit, and whips him into the rope. Bandit comes back, and is met with a leg to the chest, courtesy of Jetekid. Jetekid stands over Bandits body, and hits a somersaults flip. He takes up Bandit, whips him into the ropes, and hits a spinning heel kick. Jetekid gets on the top turnbuckle, and as he is standing up, he is pushed down by Bandits wife, Jessica. Jetekid stands up, and looks at Jessica, with an evil look in his eyes, but is then rolled up into a small package. The referee gets a two count. Bandit is mad, but takes Jetekids head, and starts taking his knee, and smashing it. Bandit then whips Jetekid into the corner, and then follows up with a big-boot, to the face, followed by several back-hands to the chest. Bandit takes Jetekid and places him on the top rope. He takes his neck and follows through with a headlock take-down. Jetekid is hurt, and Bandit goes for a DDT, followed by a powerbomb and then goes for a cover. After a two-and-a-half, Bandit gets pretty fristrated, and goes and pushes the referee. The referee, ordered not to take any bullshit from anyone, retaliates, by pushing back. Bandit goes for a powerbomb onto the referee, but the referee spits in his face. Bandit cannot properly see, and then stumbles around, and turns around, to be met with a spear. The referee falls, and hits his head on the back of the turnbuckle. Jetekid takes Bandit and starts hitting powerbombs, and supplexes left and right. He then goes for a cover, gets like a 10 count, but the refere is out. Jessica gets up on the ring apron, and Jetekid takes a peak. He gets up, with Bandit still out, and runs up to Jessica. He puts his face in her large breasts [OOC: I know that this is grose, but it's funny, right? :)] After he's done, he pushers her off the ropes, gets on the top turnbuckle, and as Bandit stumbles to his feet, he hits a flying spear, from the top turnbuckle. He then lifts Bandit and places him under his legs, followed by the Downtown Drop, which is a modified x-factor. After both moves have been completed, whips Bandit into the ropes, and rolls him up as he runs back, into a pin, and a three-count.]

Miss Information: Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match, Jetekid.

Al Diamond: What a match. These two guys put up a great fight,a nd I guess, to the winner goes the spoils.

Bud Weiser: I have an odd feeling that Bandit is going to be one pissed of son of a mother.

Al Diamond: Oh, and you know it! But, more importantly right now our next match is about to begin.

[The scene opens up, as we are in the parking lot. There is but one light, and it is shinning behind the camera. The camera looks at a blue 1959 Blue Ford Mustang. It then zooms in on a figure lurking in the suroundings. Because of the darkness, we cannot see who it is. He walks up to the Blue Mustang and opens the trunk. He takes out, what seems to be a gallon or two of gasoline. He then takes the Gasoline and smothers the car in it. He starts laughing. The laugh gets louder and louder as the man lights up a match. He pulls the match to his face, as we can now see that HoMiCyDe is the person with the match. He peers into the camera and laughs and laughs and laughs. Finally, he shoots the match in the car, and starts running. The cameraman, wasting no time, does the same. 2 seconds later, the car blows up, and the scene goes to inside the arena.]

Al Diamond: Oh my lord. That was the Owners Car. What is HoMiCyDe thinking? He's about to get himself fired.

Bud Weiser: More than fired. He's gonna get himself killed.

Miss Information: Ladies and gentleman.  The following contest is a two on one handicap match-up.  First, coming to the ring, weighing in at 213 pounds, from Hawii, Hawaii,Hawiian Pete!!! 

[The lights go out, red, green, and blue pyros go off every corner of the ring. Hawiian Pete makes his way down to the ring,fight music playing in the back ground.  He waits for his partner.

Miss Information:  And his partner, from Timmins, Ontario.  Weighing in at 245 pounds, "The Living Legend" Scott Van Dam.

Miss Information:  and his opponent, weighing in at 234 pounds, and the challenger, Icon!!! 

[Icon walks to the ring.  The match starts with Hawiian Pete and Icon.  Icon gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hawiian Pete. Icon drops Hawiian Pete with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.  Icon is hooked in a full nelson. Icon drives a forearm into the head of Hawiian Pete. Icon gives Hawiian Pete a reverse neckbreaker. Icon grabs Hawiian Pete by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Hawiian Pete gets tiger suplexed by Icon. Icon stands up. Hawiian Pete gets hit with the shooting star press from Icon. referee counts the pin. ...1 Hawiian Pete kicks out. Icon grabs Hawiian Pete's leg and takes him down. Hawiian Pete pedigrees Icon thru a table! Hawiian Pete chants start. Hawiian Pete stands up. Hawiian Pete fist drops Icon on the mat. Hawiian Pete gets up. Icon stands up. Icon uses a closed fist on Hawiian Pete. Icon does a cartwheel and kicks Hawiian Pete in the face. Hawiian Pete climbs to his feet. Hawiian Pete bulldog's Icon thru a table! Icon gets knocked on the ground and Hawiian Pete flips onto him. Hawiian Pete moves back to his feet. Icon moves back to his feet. Hawiian Pete with a huge fisherman buster on Icon. Hawiian Pete is up again. Hawiian Pete and Icon go to the floo. Icon hits Hawiian Pete with the back of his elbow. Icon hits him with a back fist. Icon delivers a short-arm clothesline to Hawiian Pete. They fight into the aisle. Icon and Hawiian Pete move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Icon and Hawiian Pete move back to ringside. Icon and Hawiian Pete move back into the ring. Icon rolls onto Hawiian Pete connecting with a knee. Icon puts Hawiian Pete in an arm grapevine submission. Icon chops Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete spins aroround Icon's back and DDT's him into the mat. Hawiian Pete climbs to his feet. Hawiian Pete climbs up to the top rope and splashes Icon thru a table! Hawiian Pete is back on his feet. Hawiian Pete hits the flying legdrop across Icon's neck. Hawiian Pete is back on his feet. Icon gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Now Icon standing. Hawiian Pete uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Icon down. Hawiian pete goes over and tags Scott Van Dam]

Al Diamond: This is a pretty good match.  Icon isn't showing much fatiuge at this point of the match, and he's holding his own.

[SVD raises his arms up and goves a very cocky smile to Icon. Icon executes a pumphandle suplex on Scott Van Dam. 
Scott Van Dam grabs Icon's head and hites him in the face. Scott Van Dam takes a slap to the face from Icon. Icon stands up. Scott Van Dam hits him with a back fist. Scott Van Dam mule kicks Icon. Scott Van Dam knees Icon and rolls back to his feet. Icon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Scott Van Dam. Scott Van Dam gets up. Scott Van Dam stomps Icon. Icon gets back to his feet. Icon side slams SVD. Icon chants start. Icon is up again. SVD climbs to his feet. Icon drags SVD to the floor.  Icon goes for a German suplex but Scott Van Dam dodges the attack.  Icon punches SVD in the gut.  Icon executes the jumping sidekick on Scott Van Dam. Scott Van Dam is up again. They head back into the ring. Scott Van Dam pokes Icon in the eyes. SVD hits Icon with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Icon is back on his feet. Icon kicks SVD in the back of the leg. Now Scott Van Dam standing. Scott Van Dam bounces Icon off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Icon is back on his feet. Icon with a powerful choke lift on Scott Van Dam. Icon with the hammerlock on SVD. referee is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... SVD trys to escape. ... SVD escapes. Icon and SVD go to the floor. ]

Bud Weiser: Icon is doing quite well at this point in the match. 

[Icon measures SVD up and drops a closed fist. SVD gets up.  SVD delivers a spinning backbreak to Icon. Icon gets back to his feet. Icon gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on SVD.  Icon and SVD move back into the ring. Icon with an illegal chokehold on SVD. SVD stands up. SVD chops Icon. Icon executes a huge gutbuster on Scott Van Dam. Scott Van Dam moves back to his feet. Scott Van Dam rakes his fingers across Icon's back. Scott Van Dam hits Icon with a single arm DDT. SVD stands up. Scott Van Dam wraps his legs around Icon's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. referee asks Icon if he quits. ... Icon is fighting the hold. ... ... Icon trys to escape. ...  SVD breaks the hold. Scott Van Dam sends Icon to ringside. Icon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from SVD. Icon get nailed with a double axhandle chop from SVD. Icon climbs to his feet.  Icon pokes Scott Van Dam in the eyes.  They fight into the aisle. Scott Van Dam and Icon move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Scott Van Dam and Icon move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. SVD executes the jumping sidekick on Icon. Icon stands up. SVD punches Icon in the gut. SVD sends Icon into the corner.  Hawiian Pete tries and gets into the match, distracting the referee, so SVD can choke Icon with his boot.  SVD uppercuts Icon. But, Icon takes SVDs arm holds it back, and then hits a huge super fisherman buster, driving SVD into the mat. Icon chants start. Icon is back on his feet.  Icon hits SVD with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Icon moves back to his feet. Now SVD standing. Icon pokes SVD in the eye with his thumb. Scott Van Dam hits Icon with a heart punch. SVD covers Icon hooking the leg. referee counts. ...1 Icon escapes.  Icon is up again. Icon uppercuts SVD. Scott Van Dam spinning mule kicks Icon. Icon superkicks Scott Van Dam. Now Scott Van Dam standing. Icon hits SVD with a heart punch. SVD gets back to his feet. SVD dropkicks Icon to the face. Scott Van Dam chants start. SVD moves back to his feet. Scott Van Dam drags Icon to the floor.  Scott Van Dam stomps Icon.  SVD rolls onto Icon connecting with a knee.  Icon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from SVD. SVD gets up.  They head back into the ring. SVD stomps Icon. Icon delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Scott Van Dam hard to the mat. Icon springboard DDT's SVD onto the mat! Icon climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Scott Van Dam. Icon stands up. Scott Van Dam punches Icon repeatedly. Icon gets thrown into the turnbuckle. SVD comes over and smashes Icon's head into it. Scott Van Dam goes up top and comes down with Version 2.0! ]

Al Diamond:  I'm still surprised with Icon.  He's really doing well here.

[Hawiian Pete places Icon on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Icon slaps Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete German suplexes Icon thru a table! Hawiian Pete gets back to his feet. Hawiian Pete gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Icon uses a snap mare takeover on Hawiian Pete. Icon kicks Hawiian Pete on the mat. Icon hits a spinning leg lariat on Hawiian Pete sending him to the mat. Hawiian Pete picks Icon up and side slams him into the chair!! Hawiian Pete stands up. Now Icon standing. Icon executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Icon. Hawiian Pete moves back to his feet. Hawiian Pete gives Icon the chair...Hawiian Pete spins around and kicks the chair into Icon's face!! Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends Icon onto the chair by Hawiian Pete!!!! Hawiian Pete puts the chair on Icon's body...Hawiian Pete climbs up top...Splash onto the chair!! referee counts. ...1 ...2 Icon kicks out.  Icon gets back to his feet. Icon is hit with a backward kick. Icon is up again. Hawiian Pete tackles Icon and pummels his head. Icon picks up Hawiian Pete and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Icon gets up. Hawiian Pete climbs to his feet. Hawiian Pete suplexes Icon thru a table! Hawiian Pete gets back to his feet. Now Icon standing. Icon rakes his fingers across Hawiian Pete's back. Hawiian Pete tackles Icon. Hawiian Pete puts Icon in an arm grapevine submission. Icon is back on his feet. Icon dropkicks Hawiian Pete to the knee. Icon moves back to his feet. Icon and Hawiian Pete go to the floor.  Icon executes a corkscrew legdrop on Hawiian Pete. Icon stands up. Icon applies an arm wrench to Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete gets up.  Hawiian Pete discus punches Icon.  They fight into the aisle. Icon and Hawiian Pete move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Icon hits Hawiian Pete with a headbutt to the mid-section. Icon bites Hawiian Pete's arm out of desparation. Icon bounces Hawiian Pete off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Icon climbs to his feet. Icon fist drops Hawiian Pete on the mat. Icon gets up. Hawiian Pete gets hit with the shooting star press from Icon. Referee referee makes the count. ...1 Hawiian Pete escapes. Now Hawiian Pete standing. Icon hiptosses Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete is up again. Icon takes Hawiian Pete down with a knee. Hawiian Pete is up again. Icon hits Hawiian Pete with an earringer. Hawiian Pete is hit with a backward kick. Icon bounces Hawiian Pete off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now Hawiian Pete standing. Hawiian Pete trys for a Canadian backbreaker but Icon avoids it. Hawiian Pete sends Icon to ringside. Icon gets hit with a back heel kick. Icon stands up. Both men get into the ring.   Flying side kick by Hawiian Pete takes Icon off his feet. Hawiian Pete is up again. Icon climbs to his feet. Icon pins Hawiian Pete against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Hawiian Pete goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Icon. Hawiian Pete moves back to his feet. Hawiian Pete mule kicks Icon. Hawiian Pete grabs Icon and applies an arm wrench. Icon stands up. Icon executes a neck-breaker on Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete climbs to his feet. Hawiian Pete gouges Icon's eyes out. Hawiian Pete pokes Icon in the eyes. Icon executes the front-layout suplex on Hawiian Pete. Icon slingshot elbow drops Hawiian Pete. Hawiian Pete punches Icon repeatedly. Hawiian Pete chants start. Hawiian Pete brings Icon up top a table and DDT's him thru it to the mat! Hawiian Pete moves back to his feet. Icon moves back to his feet. Hawiian Pete hooks Icon's face and drives him into the chair!! Icon's face is busted open! Hawiian Pete with a Fisherman Suplex on the chair!! Icon is busted open, but the referee didn't see it.  ]

Bud Weiser:  Hawiian Pete is going for the Tag.

Al Diamond:  When will this match end.  It's gone on for more than an hour now.

[Icon stands up, and with all the power he has left, Icon lifts Scott Van Dam up and drops him on the mat. Icon stomps Scott Van Dam's head. Scott Van Dam gets hit with the shooting star press from Icon. The ref starts the count. ...1 SVD kicks out. Icon get nailed with a double axhandle chop from SVD. Icon climbs to his feet. Icon uses a lariat on Scott Van Dam. Scott Van Dam gets up. SVD hits him with a back fist. SVD grabs Icon's head and hites him in the face. Icon uses a cradle suplex on SVD. SVD gets back to his feet. SVD delivers a spinning backbreak to Icon. Scott Van Dam stomps Icon's head.  Icon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from SVD. SVD climbs to his feet. Icon moves back to his feet. Icon places SVD on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Icon gets up. Icon executes a corkscrew legdrop on SVD. Now SVD standing. Scott Van Dam hits Icon with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Icon gets up. SVD gets hit with a back heel kick. SVD gets back to his feet. Scott Van Dam pokes Icon in the eyes. Icon hits a koppo kick on SVD.  Scott Van Dam punches Icon in the gut. Scott Van Dam mule kicks Icon. Scott Van Dam rolls onto Icon connecting with a knee. SVD covers Icon. referee counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Icon escapes. Icon is up again. Scott Van Dam chops Icon. Scott Van Dam spinning mule kicks Icon. Icon gets back to his feet. Icon nails SVD with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Icon chants start. SVD moves back to his feet. SVD gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Icon. Icon is back on his feet. Icon knees SVD and rolls back to his feet. Icon grabs Scott Van Dam and applies an arm wrench. Icon hits a frog splash on Scott Van Dam. Icon is back on his feet. Icon choke slams SVD. Scott Van Dam looks to be out cold! Icon hits a screwdriver on Scott Van Dam. SVD is pinned. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Al Diamond: Icon has won the match! 

Miss Information: - The winner of this match, Icon!!!

Bud Weiser:  Holy Crap.  Icon survived four tags to win the match.  He outwrestled, outsmarted and outlasted these two.  They should be ashamed.

Al Diamond:  Almost as if the bastards didn't show up.

Back in the back, one of Supremacy Unfolded's newest wrestlers, "The Enigma" is talkign with HoMiCyDe. "Hey, Edward. I have a favor for you." "The Enigma" Edward Layman replies, "What's up man? I'm sure that I can handle it. By the way, nice deal with the car tonight..." As the scene changes, both men are seen smiling.
Miss Information: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a three way elimination match.  Introducing first, weighing in at 230 pounds, Johnny Lawless!!!

Miss Information: Second, weighing in at 254 pounds, Hardcore Hoplin!! 

[The lights go off as the music starts to play. once the first choruse line is done, blue strobe lights start flashing and Hoplin  walks down the ramp wearing a nice silk robe with his head down. Once he steps foot into the ring, the lights go up. Hoplin takes off his robe, climbs up to the to turnbuckle and sits down to wait for his opponent. ]

Miss Information: Finally, their opponent, standing at six foot six and weighing in at two hundred and seventy five pounds.  He hail from Santa Monica California, and claim to be the resident sugar daddy of the Supremacy Unfolded.  He is "Sugar High" Shawn Shock .

[Hardcore Hoplin and "Sugar High" Shawn Shock look at each other hard, then look at Johnny Lawless. He's leaning up against the corner post, and almost passed out. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock and Hardcore Hoplin creep over, then grab him from behind and set him up on the top rope, each then grabbing Johnny Lawless under one arm, coming down with a double outsider's edge. Hardcore Hoplin makes the pin 1...2...3!]


[Hardcore Hoplin and "Sugar High" Shawn Shock know that now the match is down to business. Hardcore Hoplin initiates a lock up with "Sugar High" Shawn Shock, and puts him in a hammerlock. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock elbows his way out, and begins punching Hardcore Hoplin. Left, then right, then right, then a roundhouse left. Hardcore Hoplin goes down but is quickly back up to his feet. He blocks "Sugar High" Shawn Shock's next right, and counters with a fireman's carry, followed by a headlock. He adjusts the headlock to a sleeper/camel clutch. The ref goes to check if "Sugar High" Shawn Shock is out. 1...2... he has the hand up! Hardcore Hoplin relinquishes the hold and backs off. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock slowly stands up while Hardcore Hoplin measures the situation, and dropkicks "Sugar High" Shawn Shock in the gut, doubling him over, then chops him in the throat, sending him back down to the mat. Hardcore Hoplin goes again for the headlock, but "Sugar High" Shawn Shock begins to elbow him in the gut, and works his way out. Hardcore Hoplin goes for a kick, but "Sugar High" Shawn Shock catches his foot, spins him around, and brings him down in a reverse russian legsweep. Hardcore Hoplin gets up and rushes at "Sugar High" Shawn Shock, who steps to the side and pushes him face first into the ropes. On the rebound "Sugar High" Shawn Shock catches Hardcore Hoplin in a variation of the Olympic Slam. Hardcore Hoplin gets up looking very angry that he got hit what that move and tries to take "Sugar High" Shawn Shock down with a spear, but "Sugar High" Shawn Shock leapfrogs him, sending Hardcore Hoplin through the ropes to the outside."Sugar High" Shawn Shock climbs to the top rope, and dives to the outside of the ring with a frog splash on Hardcore Hoplin. He barely makes it, and both men lay on the ground for quite some time. The ref has reached "6" by the time both men are back in the ring, but "Sugar High" Shawn Shock immediately clotheslines Hardcore Hoplin back outside. He tries to whip Hardcore Hoplin into the Spanish announce table, but Hardcore Hoplin reverses it, sending "Sugar High" Shawn Shock's spine right against the edge of the table. Hardcore Hoplin runs at him, readying a clothesline, but is back body dropped onto the table. The spanish announcers step out of the way as "Sugar High" Shawn Shock climbs onto the guardrail beside the table. Hardcore Hoplin slowly steps up, and "Sugar High" Shawn Shock leaps forward with a jumping DDT, driving Hardcore Hoplin down and breaking the table in half. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock rolls in the ring and waits for Hardcore Hoplin, who's back in on the 8 count. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock executes a body slam and goes for a cocky one-handed pin. 1...2...Hardcore Hoplin's foot is on the ropes. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock gets up and starts to argue with the ref, but Hardcore Hoplin rolls "Sugar High" Shawn Shock up from behind. 1...2...kickout. Hardcore Hoplin unloads on "Sugar High" Shawn Shock with a series of kicks, then a piledriver, Cactus Jack-style. "Sugar High" Shawn Shock is on the mat holding his head, and Hardcore Hoplin climbs the ropes. Just as "Sugar High" Shawn Shock starts to stand, he's hit with the Hardcore Hoplin moonsault!! 1...2... "Sugar High" Shawn Shock just barely kicks out before the ref's hand hits the mat a third time. Hardcore Hoplin pushes down the straps on his singlet, signifying that business has just picked up. He whips "Sugar High" Shawn Shock into the rope, and launches him overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. In a frenzy, Hardcore Hoplin locks on the ankle lock , but "Sugar High" Shawn Shock's arms are already hanging out of the ring.  Hardcore Hoplin has a crazed look in his eyes. ]

[He pulls "Sugar High" Shawn Shock up and whips him into the ropes, accidentally knocking into the referee. Just as he does, the lights go out and flicker back on and off. Tru Hart runs down to the ring, and grabs Johnny Lawless, who is still hurting from a bit of alcohol. Lawless starts to say something, but Hart just puts him over his shoulders, and runs up the ramp.]

["Sugar High" Shawn Shock has got the ref back on his feet, and goes over to pick up Hardcore Hoplin. He hits the Sugar Shock, which is a very hard Van Terminator, and then Shawn Shock springs off of the middle rope. He goes for the cover 1....2....3!!!!]

Miss Information:Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, "Sugar High" SHAWN SHOCK"

Al Diamond: That was simply amazing. To tell you the truth, Bud, tonight has just been amazing. All sorts of angles taking place, and the outcome of this event, couldn't have been better.

Bud Weiser: You're so true. Don't forget, though. The Owners car has blown up.

Miss Information: The following contest is schdueled for a two out of three falls match. First, making his way to the ring, weighing 245 pounds, Sewaside. And, his opponent, from Greenwhich, Conneticut, weighing in at 253 pounds, Triple HHH.

[The match starts with Triple H getting the upper hand, and hits an easy Arm Stretch. He then gets an Arm Wringer locked in. He kicks Sewaside in the gut, and then hits a powerbomb. He then gets up to the top turnbuckle, hits an Aisain Moonsault, and goes for a quick cover, but only gets a two count. He lifts up Sewaside, and then hits a weak Atomic Drop, and then executes an Avalance. Triple H follows the Avalance with a whip into the ropes. As Sewaside comes running, HHH hits a back body drop. Sewaside, responding well, gets backup, but HHH hits a backbreaker. Again, Sewaside, full of energy, comes back with a Big Boot. Once Sewaside is down, he stays down, especially after receiving a Big Splash. Triple HHH hits several supplex', including a blizzard suplex. Sewaside, tries to block a the body scissors, but has no chance, and does not prevail. Finally, Triple H hits a body slam, followed by a knee smash. Triple HHH takes Sewaside, and places his head near his groin, coming down, hitting the Pedigree. He goes for the pin, and gets a three count.]

Miss Information: Triple H one fall. Sewaside, 0 falls.

[Sewaside, somewhat rested from the last part of this match, opens up with a rake to the eyes, followed by a snap suplex. Up on the ramp, a new wrestler, Toxic appears. He looks at Triple H, and Triple H looks miffed at what's going on. Toxic goes down to the ring.Back on his feet, Triple H backs into the ropes, but is cut short as Sewaside charges him and body presses him over. Both men tumble to the ground, and Sewaside is up first. He picks up a chair as the ref counts "1...." and tosses it to Triple H, who catches it in front of his face.. "2..." Big boot from Horse, Triple H falls to the ground, his face bleeding. "3..." Both men roll back inside the ring, and Sewaside brings his boot across Triple H's face, further opening the wound. He lifts him up and delivers a choop to the throat, followed by a rock bottom. He goes down for the cover 1... 2... kickout just in the knick of time. Sewaside begins arguing wit the referee, whilst the whole time Triple H is recovering. He's waiting, and as soon as Sewaside turns around, he meets a spear courtesy of Triple H. Triple H begins to gloat right way, wiping the blood from his eyes, and doesn't see when Sewaside comes up from behind and lifts Triple H up on his shoulders. Toxic, finally gets involved in the match, and gives a chair to Sewaside, to use on Triple H. Sewaside, not want to cheat, dismiss' the chair. Sewaside executes an electric drop, and then lifts up Triple H, who doesn't seem to be part of the match at all anymore. Sewaside nonchalantly takes Triple H down with the The End, and Triple HHH taps out to this type of sharpsooter.!!!!!!!!!

Miss Information: Triple H one fall. Sewaside, one fall.

[Sewaside took Triple H down with an arm drag and then the two locked up. Sewaside got Triple H in a side head lock and then Sewaside took Triple H down by the feet and then he kicked him while he was down. Sewaside got Triple H in another side head lock. Triple H knocked Sewaside to the outside of the ring and then he ran the security wall and jumped off with a clothesline on Sewaside. Triple H rolled Sewaside back into the ring and Sewaside got Triple H in the corner but Triple H came off the top rope with the flying elbow and Sewaside moved out of the way. Sewaside got Triple H in an abdominal stretch and he held onto the ropes to get leverage. The referee thought he saw Sewaside using the ropes and then Triple H countered the hold. Sewaside gave Triple H a hip toss to the outside of the ring and then he sprang off the ropes and got a cross body on Triple H. Triple H got back in the ring and Sewaside hit Triple H with a heel kick. 

Sewaside pinned Triple H for a two count and then he got him in a reverse chin lock on the mat. Triple H battled out of it and Sewaside nailed Triple H with another heel kick and a pin for a two count. Sewaside kicked Triple H down in the corner and he went for the bronco buster but Triple H moved out of the way. Triple H got Sewaside down and then he gave Sewaside a leg drop to the groin. Triple H whipped Sewaside into the corner and Sewaside went to jump over Triple H, but Sewaside landed right on Triple H in an obvious screw up. Triple H hit The Pedigree on Sewaside and he pinned him for a two count. Triple H went to the top rope and he came off with a high cross body and Sewaside rolled through and got a two count. Sewaside called for a time out, but Triple H continued to work on him with some right hands. Sewaside hit the Sky High on Triple H and he pinned him for a two count but Triple H got his foot on the ropes. The referee counted three, but then he waved it off. Sewaside whipped Triple H into the corner and went for the JackHammer but Triple H got the chin breaker on Sewaside and then he went to the top rope with Sewaside down on the mat. Sewaside knocked Triple H down and Sewaside went for a super plex but Triple H got out of it and knocked Sewaside down and then he hit the Pedigree on Sewaside and he pinned him for a three count to get the win! 

Miss Information: The winner of this match, Triple HHH.

Al Diamond: This is just awesome.  We have had great matches all night long.  I can't wait for the Terminator versus Whitney Match.

Bud Weiser:  But, right now, i'm being told that we have a little promo, being cut.

[The camers changes to CEO Dow's office.  He is sitting in his chair, and talking to someone.]

Dow: Hey, I need you to take care of some things for me tonight. 

Other Guy:  Sure, anything, man.

Dow:  Perfect.  Just watch out, see if anything happens to anyone, or to anything.  Watch every match closely.  You'll have your own box...

[Dow hands the keys to the other person]

Dow:  Your own car. 

[Dow hands the keys to the other person]

Dow:  But, most importantly, here is a briefcase, containing $10, 000.00.

[Dow hands over the briefcase.  Terminator gets up from his chair, and walks away with the two sets of keys, and ten thousand dollars.  The scene gets to the arena.  We're now ready for the Terminator versus Witney Match]

Al Diamond: It looks as if Dow is up to something.  We'll just have to see what he has planned.  In the meatime, here is the Whitney versus Terminator match.

[Pyro's shoot off, as the Pimpess walks down to the ring.  She is wearing black leather hip-hugging pants, a front-lacing leather halter, and knee high spike-heeled boots.  Walking to the ring, she has her whip at hand.  Noticably, one of her World Titles are around her waist.  Standing under the titan-tron, Whitney smiles.  She then walks down to the ring.  Terminator, tonight, you will be punished for every other opponent's crimes."  Whitney descends all the way down the ring.  ** Suddenly in this jam packed arena 5 feared words hit the speakers ** THIS IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE The lights go out and the fans know it is their true hero, The Terminator. The lights come back on seconds later with a bang and fireworks fly up and down the ramp. "Bodies” by “Drowning Pool” starts to deafen the crowd. Terminator is standing at the top of the stage wearing nothing but blue jeans. He has a bottle of water in one hand and a big smirk on his face. He starts to walk  to the ring giving a few screaming fans high fives along the way. The fans cheers can be heard dispite his roaring music. Terminator walks up the steps and makes his way along ringside. He then waits for a certain bit in his tune before lifting both hands in the air working the crowd. Whitney slides under the ropes, and walks towards the amazed Terminator.  She takes Terminator, and whips him into the barrage.  He falls head first onto the concrete floor.  Already, Terminator begins to bleed.  Terminator, strugles to his feet, and begins pummeling punches towards a former and still World Champion, Whitney.  Whitney battles back with a series of shots of her own.  She takes Terminator are, and places it into a wristlock.  Whitney steps forward, driving Terminator arm across her knee.  Whitney shoots Terminator down to the mat.  Terminator falls face down.  Whitney grab Terminator' leg by the ankle and lifts it up, lifting the lower part of his body off the mat.  She then slams the knee into the ground.  Whitney slides under the ring, and looks under the ring.  She pulls out a fire extinguisher.  She then slides back into the ring.  As she is about to hit Terminator with the fire extinguisher, the referee pulls the extinguisher from her arm.  Whitney turns around, to discuss the matter with the referee.  But, to no avail, she loses the bout.  She turns around, only to be met with a series of kicks to her gut, by Terminator.  Terminator takes Whitney, and executes a powerbomb.  Terminator lifts Whitney up from the mat, whips her into the ropes, and rebouds with a clothesline.  Terminator, begins stomping on Whitney.  Terminator once again lifts Whitney, and delivers a piledriver.  The crowd begins to boo.  Terminator, levels himself up onto the turnbuckle.  He delivers a 360 splash, onto the fallen Whitney.  He then, in pain, covers, for a slow 2 count.  The count begins to loudly cheer.  Terminator stars kicking Whitney in the gut.  Terminator takes Whitney, shoots her into the ropes, but Whitney gets a cross body block.  She lifts him up, and stands behind Terminator.  She reaches under one of Terminator' arms with one hand and places it behind Terminator' neck.  Whitney uses  her free arm to reach across Terminator body to grab Terminator arm which is on the same side as Terminator' arm.  Whitney applys a half-nelson.  Whitney pulls Terminator arm across his face and locks her hands around Terminator neck.  Whitney charces forward and drives Terminator face first into the mat.  Whitney lifts Terminator up in the air as if for a back drop, but instead of tossing Terminator arms over, Whitney pushes them up in the air when Terminator is horizontal.  As Terminator falls to the mat, Whitney strikes Terminator in the back of his head, with the pinky side of her open hand.  Whitney, then completes her finisher, the Lotus Lock.  She uses a modified Full Nelson, but the difference is that Whitney uses her legs as opposed to her amrs and hands.  Then, when the move is locked, she rolls over, and forces Terminator' weight, onto his neck.  Terminator decides to act quickly, and then hits a big boot onto Whitney's face.  He gets on the top rope, and hits a five star frog splash.  Terminator then hits the Annihilator, which is where Terminator kicks Whitney in the gut, then places her in a pedigree position.  Instead of a pedigree, he lifts her up and does a double underhook piledriver, and hits the pin for the 1..2...3. and the win.]

Miss Information: The winner of this match, The Terminator.

Al Diamond: That was great.  A lot of animosity between the two, and Whitney really took exception to being called a "cunt".

Bud Weiser:  How true is that.  And, could you believe, Dow is back again.

Dow:  Enough of this bullshit, HoMiCyDe. You have officially been fined $100, 000.00, and if you continue to blow up cars, you will be suspended.
Miss Information: Ladies and gentleman. The following contest is schedueled for one fall, and is a Manchester Street Fight. Stipulations say, that any activity that is to harm with weapons, must be done on the street, outside of the arena. First, coming to the ring, weighing in a two hundred and fifty pounds, HoMiCyDe.

["Meaning of Life" blast throguh the arena as the name HoMiCyDe appears on the screen drippingwith blood. HoMiCyDe walks out with a chair in hand. He stands at the top of the ramp and hits slams the chair on the ground three times. He continues to walk down the aisle, untill he approches the apron. He throws the cahir in the ring and flips over the top rope. Once in the ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms.

Miss Information: and his opponent, hailing from Manchester, England. Being accompanied by his valet, Polly, weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds, Thomas Hewson.

[The lights flicker and fade as a cackling laugh is heard over the sound system. It turns into a cough, and then a wheeze, causing the crowd to react in a "what the hell was that?" way. The familiar Hewson flag appears on the screen as the opening chords of Oasis' "Cigarettes and Alcohol" sear the ears of those in the stands. Polly begins to walk out from the curtains, looking gorgeous and in control. She looks down on the crowd around her in disgust, and then on to the ring she goes. Then, out follows Thom Hewson, to a chorus of cheers.]

Bud Weiser: Should this main event be great? Two of todays best wrestlers, facing off in one ring. Wow.

Thom Hewson begins the match with a lock-up, followed by a whip into the ropes, and as HoMiCyDe comes running back, he is lifted up over Thom Hewson's shoulder so HoMiCyDe is facing upwards and his back is held over the shoulder of Thom Hewson. Thom Hewson holds HoMiCyDe in place and spins around a few times, then tosses HoMiCyDe into the air dropping his back first to the mat. This is a common martial arts throw. Thom Hewson has HoMiCyDe's arm over his shoulder and stands with his back to HoMiCyDe, Thom Hewson throws HoMiCyDe over by pulling on HoMiCyDe's arm and leaning foward, lifting HoMiCyDe off the ground and dropping him on his back. Thom Hewson stands behind and slightly to the side of HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson grabs HoMiCyDe's midsection with one arm and hooks one of HoMiCyDe's legs with the other. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up over his shoulder so HoMiCyDe is parrallel to the mat. Thom Hewson throws HoMiCyDe in the air, dropping him on his back. Thom Hewson bends down forward as HoMiCyDe charges towards him. As HoMiCyDe reaches for Thom Hewson, Thom Hewson stands up, lifting HoMiCyDe up and over so he lands back first on the mat. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson stands behind and slightly to the side of HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson grabs HoMiCyDe's midsection with one arm and hooks one of HoMiCyDe's legs with the other. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up over his shoulder so HoMiCyDe is parrallel to the mat. Thom Hewson throws HoMiCyDe in the air, dropping him on his back. Thom Hewson stands behind and slightly to the side of HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson grabs HoMiCyDe's midsection with one arm and hooks one of HoMiCyDe's legs with the other. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up over his shoulder so HoMiCyDe is parrallel to the mat. Thom Hewson throws HoMiCyDe in the air, dropping him on his back. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe over his head as if he were going to press slam him, Thom Hewson then drops the person back first across his knee. Thom Hewson jumps at HoMiCyDe and hits HoMiCyDe at an angle, knocking him down to the mat. Thom Hewson applies a side headlock on HoMiCyDe and drops him down on his face. Thom Hewson applies a standing head scissors and grabs HoMiCyDe around the waist. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up so he is sitting on Thom Hewson's shoulders, facing the opposite direction of Thom Hewson. Thom Hewson pushes HoMiCyDe fowards slightly so he fall straight down off Thom Hewsons shoulders but not down as if in a powerbomb, straight down as if to his feet. As HoMiCyDe is falling to the mat, Thom Hewson applies 3/4 face lock (basically, HoMiCyDe's head on Thom Hewson's shoulder with Thom Hewson forming a headlock around the top of his head as Thom Hewson has his back to HoMiCyDe) and drops to the mat, impacting HoMiCyDe's chin into Thom Hewson's shoulder. Thom Hewson strikes HoMiCyDe with the outer part of his hand, the pinky finger side. Thom Hewson bends HoMiCyDe over and grabs HoMiCyDe around the waist. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up so he is over Thom Hewson's shoulder. From there, Thom Hewson places both his arms under the arms of HoMiCyDe and extends his arms out as far as he can. Thom Hewson pulls down on HoMiCyDe's arms, flipping HoMiCyDe's body over so he is falling face first towards the mat. On the way down, Thom Hewson hooks HoMiCyDe's head in a front face lock and falls to the mat, driving HoMiCyDe face first into the mat. Thom Hewson stands behind HoMiCyDe and applies a waistlock. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe up and falls backwards, dropping HoMiCyDe on his upperback. Thom Hewson releases HoMiCyDe at the height of his lift, turned into a release german suplex. Thom Hewson is face to face with HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson hammerlocks on of HoMiCyDe's arms beind his back and wraps both of his arms around HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe straight up and falls back, dropping HoMiCyDe on his back and arm. Thom Hewson is standing facing HoMiCyDe. Thom Hewson reaches around one side of HoMiCyDe's body and locks his arms around HoMiCyDe in a waistlock. Thom Hewson lifts HoMiCyDe off the mat and falls backwards, dropping HoMiCyDe back first to the mat. HoMiCyDe is on his stomach, Thom Hewson stradles HoMiCyDe, facing the direction of his head and grabs one of HoMiCyDe's legs. Thom Hewson pulls the leg up and over one of his shoulders and applies pressure to HoMiCyDe's back by pulling forward. HoMiCyDe gets to the ropes. HoMiCyDe gets pulled back into the middle of the ring, as Thom Hewson kicks HoMiCyDe down to his stomach. HoMiCyDe is on his stomach, Thom Hewson stradles HoMiCyDe, facing the direction of his head and grabs one of HoMiCyDe's legs. Thom Hewson pulls the leg up and over one of his shoulders and applies pressure to HoMiCyDe's back by pulling forward. HoMiCyDe is on his back, Thom Hewson bends down and grabs HoMiCyDe's leg and places it on his shoulders and neck. Thom Hewson stands up and applies pressure to the thigh and shin with his arms, bending HoMiCyDe's knee across the back of his neck. HoMiCyDe is lifted slightly off the mat and his own weight is used against him. The move sort of looks like an Argentine Backbreaker (Human Torture Rack) applied to someone's leg. Thom Hewson takes HoMiCyDe, and goes for a powerbomb, but HoMiCyDe counters the attack, with hurricanranna. Both men get up, and HoMiCyDe stands face to face with Thom Hewson. HoMiCyDe grabs Thom Hewson with both hands around his neck in a double choke hold. HoMiCyDe lifts Thom Hewson up and falls backwards, throwing Thom Hewson over HoMiCyDe's head so he lands back first on the mat. Thom Hewson is on his back, HoMiCyDe holds on of Thom Hewson's legs and steps between Thom Hewson's legs and puts his foot to one side of Thom Hewson's hip and bend Thom Hewson's leg so his shin lies across HoMiCyDe's thigh. HoMiCyDe turns Thom Hewson over onto his stomach and scissors Thom Hewson's leg. HoMiCyDe reaches forward and applies a crossface hold. Once the crossface hold is locked on, HoMiCyDe rolls to one side so that HoMiCyDe ends up on his back and Thom Hewson is elevated off the mat and in the air, facing upward. Thom Hewson is on his stomach. HoMiCyDe stands on the back of Thom Hewson's thighs and locks Thom Hewson's ankles behind his legs. HoMiCyDe grabs both Thom Hewson's arms, pulls back and sits down, bringing Thom Hewson up to his knees. From there HoMiCyDe applies an inverted facelock. HoMiCyDe sits on the top turnbuckle and grabs Thom Hewson's head, applying a front facelock. From there, HoMiCyDe jumps off the buckles, swings around Thom Hewson's body in approximately a 270 degree turn. HoMiCyDe's body goes over the ring ropes and then drops down, driving Thom Hewson throat first into the top rope. HoMiCyDe gets back into the ring. HoMiCyDe lifts Thom Hewson up over his head. HoMiCyDe drops Thom Hewson on his stomach. HoMiCyDe jumps with both feet onto Thom Hewson's body. Generally done to Thom Hewson's stomach. Thom Hewson is standing but bent forward. HoMiCyDe stands to Thom Hewson's side and hooks Thom Hewson's near arm. HoMiCyDe puts the leg which is closest to Thom Hewson's arm over the back of Thom Hewson's neck and hooks it by bending his leg. HoMiCyDe pulls his leg back and pushes Thom Hewson's arm forward in the opposite direction. Thom Hewson is then spun sideways and lands flat on his back on the mat. HoMiCyDe applies an inverted facelock on Thom Hewson. HoMiCyDe hooks Thom Hewson's tights and lifts them straight up in the air so Thom Hewson is upside down. HoMiCyDe then drops Thom Hewson straight down so he lands on his head. HoMiCyDe stands behind Thom Hewson and sticks his head under one of Thom Hewson's arms and waistlocks them. HoMiCyDe falls backwards and a quick rate and snaps Thom Hewson over dropping them on the back of his neck. Sort of a cross between a belly to belly suplex and a choke slam. HoMiCyDe stands to the right of Thom Hewson. Thom Hewson's right arm is placed over the right shoulder of HoMiCyDe. HoMiCyDe reaches across the front of Thom Hewson's body with his right arm and the left arm around the back of Thom Hewson to under Thom Hewson's left shoulder. HoMiCyDe lifts Thom Hewson up and pivots as if for a belly to belly suplex and drives Thom Hewson into the mat. HoMiCyDe applies a front face lock on Thom Hewson and throws Thom Hewson's near arm across his shoulders. HoMiCyDe grabs Thom Hewson's tights and lifts them straight up in the air so he is upside down. HoMiCyDe then falls backwards, dropping Thom Hewson on his back. Thom Hewson is on his back, HoMiCyDe bends down and grabs Thom Hewson's leg and places it on his shoulders and neck. HoMiCyDe stands up and applies pressure to the thigh and shin with his arms, bending Thom Hewson's knee across the back of his neck. Thom Hewson is lifted slightly off the mat and his own weight is used against them. HoMiCyDe lifts Thom Hewson up say he is laying across Thom Hewson's shoulders on his back. HoMiCyDe shoves Thom Hewson over his head so he is dropped in front of HoMiCyDe on his back. Thom Hewson is face down on the mat, HoMiCyDe stands between his legs and waistlocks them from behind. HoMiCyDe lifts Thom Hewson up and falls backwards, dropping Thom Hewson on his back. HoMiCyDe goes for a cover, and gets a two count. HoMiCyDe takes Thom Hewson by the head, and slowly whips him into the ropes, while kneeing him on his rebound. HoMiCyDe shoots Thom Hewson over the top rope, with a clothesline. HoMiCyDe grabs the rop rope, and spins himself out of the ring. HoMiCyDe takes Thom Hewson, and whips him into the steel ramp, making Thom Hewson trip, and tumble down. Thom Hewson, stammers to his feet, until HoMiCyDe charges towards him, and executes a spear. The referee comes from the ring, and tells the two to get into the ring. HoMiCyDe whips Thom Hewson into the ring, through the bottom rope. HoMiCyDe gets back in, and hits yet another spear. He raises Thom Hewson, allowing him to stumbple. HoMiCyDe kicks his opponent in the stomache and makes and X with his arms signaling the Code Blue. He lifts his opponent up as if to hit a power bomb, but on the way down he flips htem around and does a face buster.

[The referee gets into the ring, and raises HoMiCyDe's arms. HoMiCyDe takes the referee, and hits the Code Blue. The bell is ringing, and HoMiCyDe gets to the top turnbuckle. He jumps off the turnbuckle, and hits a frog splash. He then takes Thom Hewson and grabs him by the legs. He hits a sharpshooter, and holds the move fore nearly 5 minutes. A load roaring sound is heard, and a truck comes through the curtains. It drives down the ramp. A masked man gets out of the truck, and then runs through the crowd, and dissapears. HoMiCyDe finally lets go of the sharpsooter, and then jumps up, coming down with a knee-smash. Finally, HoMiCyde takes Thom Hewson, and places him in the back of the truck.

Al Diamond: What in God's name is HoMiCyDe doing with Hewson?

The crowd starts to boo, as their beloved good heel, gets taken off in a truck.

Bud Weiser: Oh my good God! We'll be back in a minute. 

[Upstairs, after the masked man has ran away, Terminator is searching for something.  He runs into a man, still with the mask on his face.  Thinking something is up, he tells the masked man that the Owner wishes to see him.  This masked man follows Terminator into a dungeon.  Seemingly, the masked man is afraid, and starts attacking Terminator.  Terminator fights back, but the masked man is strong.  He takes the Terminator, and shoots him into a furnace.  Now, with a dent, the furnace starts on fire.  The Terminator finally gains conrol of the masked man, where The Terminator ties him up.  Terminator then procedes to take off the mask, and with an astonishing look on his face, The Terminator smacks the masked man across the face, where, from this point, the scene closes and opens outside a bridge, with the Truck that HoMiCyDe is driving is seen.]
[HoMiCyde stops outside a gate, which says "San Francisco Dump".  He backs up in his car, and rams through the gates.  HoMiCyde finally drives up, and stops next to a dumpster.  He opens his door, and opens the gate to the dumpster.  He runs to the back of the truck, where he puts an unconscious Thom Hewson over his shoulders.  Finally, he shoots Hewson into the dumpster, and locks it up, with several chains and locks.  He gets back in his truck, and starts to endlessly ram into the dumpster.  He doesn't stop, until the dumpster is compacted, and there is little chance that Thomas Hewson has survived.  Sires can be heard, and HoMiCyDe gets his puny little ass out of the area, and quickly]
Al Diamond:  That was somethign else.  HoMiCyDe is going crazy.  Is Hewson still alive?
Bud Weiser: Not to mention The Terminator.  Is killing a man worht $10 000 dollars.
Al Diamond:  Who is Enigma, and who is Toxic.
Bud Weiser: How was it possible for Icon to beat two people, basically at once?
Al Diamond:  Will any titles be decided soon?
Bud Weiser:  I guess we'll just have to wait in the coming weeks to find out tne answer.
Al Diamond:  For Bud Weiser, I'm Al Diamond.  Have a good night.  I know I'm going to have nightmares.
What did you think of the results?  E-mail me at dowboy98@yahoo.com