Rankings Criteria
Rankings will be determined by your activity, storyline advancement, roleplay quality, attitude, originality, how well you contribute to the XCWF, your Win-Loss Record, how well you angle is getting over, whether you follow the rules, and whether you submit your angle ideas.

Each category will be based on 3 points.  The points will be calculated after the results are posted.  If you think that I have made a mistake, please bring it to my attention, for further review.

If you do not roleplay at all, you'll receive -1 points
If you do the minimum for when your opponent doensn't roleplay, you will receive 1 point
If you do the half the minimum 2 points
If you do the minimum of roleplays required, 3 points
If you do the maximum amount of roleplays, you will receive 4 points.

Storyline advancement:
If you don't write up a roleplay, for storyline purposes, you won't earn any points.
If you write up one roleplay, directed to both your match, and a storyline, you'll receive 1 point.
If you write up one or more roleplay, directed towards solely a storyline, you'll receive 2 points.

Roleplay quality:
If, on average, your roleplays are all babble about nothing, you'll get 1 point.
If, on average, your roleplays are a little babble and a little common sense, you'll receive 2 points.
If, on average, your roleplays are funny, get to the point, and consisten, you'll earn 3 points.

If you argue with the staff about a loss, and lose the battle, you'll get -3 points.
If you argue with the staff about a loss, and win the battle, you'll earn 2 points.

If your roleplays contain many catch lines by WWF, WCW/ECW or Indy Wrestlers, you'll receive -1 points.
If your roleplays contain little catchlines by WWF, WCW/ECW or Indy Wrestlers, you'll earn 1 point.
If your roleplays contain no catch lines by WWF, WCW/ECW or Indy Wrestlers, you'll earn 3 points.

How well you contribute to the SU:
If you don't contribute, by asking for help, trying to help, etc... you'll earn -1 point.
If you contribute by either asking for help or trying to help, you'll earn 1 point.
If you contribute by asking for help and trying to help, you'll earn 2 points.

your Win-Loss Record:
If you have more losses than you do wins, after your first 5 matches, you'll recieve no points.
If you have the same amount of losses as you do win, after your first 4 matches, you'll recieve 1 point
If you have more wins that you do losses, after your first 5 matches, you'll receieve 3 points

          After your first 5 matches are calculated, every loss you recieve against someone with:
                 More wins than you, you'll lose no points.
                 Same amount of wins than you, you'll win -1 point.
                 Less wins than you, you'll win -3 points.

          After your first 5 matches are calculated, every win you recieve against someone with:
                 More wins than you, you'll get 3 points.
                 Same amount of wins as you, you'll get 1 point.
                 Less wins than you, you'll receive 0 points.

          After your first 5 matches are calculated, every draw that you recieve against someone with:
                 More wins than you, you'll get 1 point.
                 Same amount of points as you, you'll get 0 points.
                 Less wins than you, you'll gain -1 points.

Whether you follow the rules:
If you break a rule, you will gain -3 point.